IT Consulting Services

When companies come to us, they want answers…answers to tough real world questions that they can’t answer themselves. Through consulting, we provide our clients with IT solutions for the way the world works.

As companies identify emerging business needs, a seemingly unending process in the world of e-everything, Sayeon can help sort through the quagmire of IS/IT options and help identify the greatest-value tools for overall success. Sayeon starts by thoroughly understanding your overall business strategy. Then, we analyze the business processes that currently support that strategy, ever mindful of emerging technologies that may add value to or alter current practices.

Our results-oriented approach identifies the steps, technological tools, and key players that shore-up our customer’s “big picture” for their business. Through design, development and implementation, Sayeon partners with customers to deliver reliable and cost effective IS/IT strategies and solutions, the best solutions for the way the world works.

We are the competitive consulting firm delivering high quality business consulting and disciplined technology implementation – at an extremely competitive price.

We help companies to make the complex operational changes necessary to gain competitive advantage.


Who we are?

We are dedicated to helping our clients become stronger competitors, and helping our consultants become strong leaders, capable of managing a modern global business.
We stand for straightforwardness, candid dialogue and for delivering more than we promise.
We believe in on-site business consulting, backed by impeccably high quality, low cost remote implementation.

We are so confident that we can make clients more competitive, we will do something no consulting firm has done before: we will guarantee it.

What we do?

Beating the competition demands discipline and focus. Every operational change must link back to how it creates competitive advantage for our client. We work with our clients to determine what actions will create the most advantage, and then we help them turn those strategies into implementations.

What’s different?

The way we run our business:

  • Eliminate unproductive overhead (offices, partners, etc.)
  • Run a flat, non-hierarchical firm
  • Connect every single technical task to how it improves client competitiveness
  • Move the work to best worker for the job, regardless of location.
  • Maintain total project transparency- eliminate unneeded surprises.


Our People:

  • Are the highest performers from consulting firms and industry
  • Have entrepreneurial spirit and a deep desire to build a better model of consulting
  • Are passionate about helping companies become more competitive
  • Are confident but not arrogant
  • Demonstrate fairness and good sportsmanship
  • Have positive, optimistic, can-do attitudes
  • Have Sense of humor

Offshore Development Center:

An Offshore Development Center (ODC) is essentially a dedicated intermix of specialized programming and engineering resources.

Our Offshore Development Center uses a multi-dimensional approach, planned to support growth and technology advancement, ensures that the solutions we architect for our clients are built in a most productive and effective manner.

The Sayeon Offshore Development Center, with its pool of well designed infrastructure, highly trained resources, proven and time tested processes is a doubly beneficial outsourcing delivery model with a powerful value proposition for businesses looking at IT Outsourcing.

The Offshore Development Center at Sayeon acts as a virtual extension of your development teams. Our wholly owned offshore development center technically and functionally supports our Consultants.

Global Delivery Model (GDM):

What is GDM?

Global delivery Model is the process of breaking projects down in to their logical components and then distributing those components to locations (onsite, offshore) where they can be delivered at maximum value.

How GDM works?

When it’s nighttime for you, it’s daytime for some one on the other side of the world; This is simple but transformative idea behind our Global Delivery model.
The Internet has made moving work to best worker, regardless of location, easy and instantaneous. But most consultants do all the work in the same very expensive place: yours.
Our GDM is made possible because we have our own globally distributed teams.

How GDM helps you?

It speeds time to market, as teams around the world create a 24 hour workday. With the money saved, clients can afford to invest in business design and preparation, which is so crucial to project success, but often left out due to budget constraints.


While at Sayeon consulting you will develop:

  • Strategic perspective on business competition
  • Deep understanding of business operations
  • First hand experience implementing change
  • Ability to lead globally distributed teams
  • Knowledge of Technology

What you can expect from Sayeon Consulting?

  • Meaningful work and real growth at entry level
  • An environment focused on merit, not titles
  • An HR model focused on developing the next generation of leaders
  • Rapid growth, in your own skills , and in the company
  • An energetic, optimistic and fun work environment

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